Sorry for the absence of an update; I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and well-fed. Packed with nutrients to promote good vision, our “Good Vision” Vegetable Box includes the freshest and brightest vegetables. Every one of the items selected is based on its nutritional benefits and contains vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals, which play a significant role in preventing eye deterioration and other ageing eye issues. Another advantage is that this box gives you all the natural sources of nutrition for the eyes; all you need is to stick to a diet of lots of green, leafy vegetables, as well as colorful vegetables.
This box contains one pack of kale or leaf cabbage which is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin that shield your eyes from dangerous blue light and oxidative stress. Kale also has vitamins A, C, and K and thus, helps to boost the immune system as well as your vision.
Rocket and spinach in the individual packs also add more lutein, beta-carotene and vitamin C. It is believed that these greens have preventions properties for eye diseases such as AMD and cataracts. It also contains good amounts of both iron and magnesium essential for boost of body health and needed energy.
The pack of 500 grams of baby carrots also contribute to beta-carotene, which is the form of vitamin A that is important for proper sight. Vitamin A is associated with health of outer layer of the eye thus maintaining moisture on the eye and avoiding cases of night blindness.
Besides, for a colorful option and even more vitamins, this box also contains a 1 kg of tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. They also contain high amounts of lycopene which shields the eye cells from harm that is occasioned by exposure to light. It also contains vitamin C which is very important for the health of the blood vessels of the eyes.
Yellow fleshed sweet peppers (2-3 pieces) and cucumbers (2 pieces) complete the box providing safe crunchy vegetable, vitamin C and Beta carotene which are necessary for good eyesight.
Discover how easy it can be to get your vegetables daily and how this “Good Vision” Vegetable Box promotes proper eye health without having to pop another pill!